
Fun with Cocoa Touch elements

Hey everyone, this is Mahdi!We're going to have a little bit of fun with iOS elements today, so I'm going to show some tricks that I hope you'll like!UIView with rounded corners and shadowNow, this is a bit tricky. To make a view have both…

Slack (翻訳)

今日は社内で使用しているSlackについてインターン生のマフディーがブログを書いてくれたので@zippo_mが何となく翻訳します〜。 - こんにちは、みんな!今週もマフディーがブログを更新します。 今日はINTERFIRMで利用してる新しいコミュニケーションツール…


Hey everyone! This is Mahdi again, and today we're going to talk about the new communication and productivity platform Interfirm has been using!Slack is the name, and it has gotten really popular these past few months! Without further ado,…